December was a busy month for the SophiA project!
Sneha De, Duc Ngoc Dinh and Jan Hoinkis, from HKA, attended two events to present their paper: “Sustainable Off-Grid Technologies for Drinking and Deionised Water for Hospitals in Africa”. With a focus on SophiA’s water treatment process and its laboratory test results, the paper attracted considerable interest at both conferences.
The first event was the Water and Development Congress and Exhibition, held in Kigali (Rwanda) from 10 to 14 December 2023. This event was organised by the International Water Association (IWA). The theme “Water, Sanitation and Climate Resilience – Keys to Water-wise Future” was perfectly appropriate to present the paper.
The second event was the Technoscape 2023 – International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Water and Wastewater Technologies, organised by the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT). The conference took place in Vellore (India), from 14 to 16 December 2023.
These two events concluded a year full of events for SophiA.
1- Conference: IWA Water and Development Congress & Exhibi<on
Theme: Water, Sanita<on and Climate Resilience – Keys to Water-wise Future
Dates: 10-14 December 2023
Organiser: Interna<onal Water Associa<on (IWA)
Venue: Kigali, Rwanda
Oral Presenta8on Title: SophiA: Sustainable Off-Grid Technologies for Drinking and
Deionised Water for Hospitals in Africa
2- Conference: Technoscape 2023 – Interna<onal Conference on Sustainable
Technologies for Water and Wastewater Technologies
Dates: 14-16 December 2023
Organiser: Vellore Ins<tute of Technology (VIT), India
Venue: Vellore, India
Oral Presenta8on Title: SophiA: Sustainable Off-Grid Technologies for Drinking and
Deionised Water for Hospitals in Africa