SophiA at the Sustainable Places event
SophiA participated in the Sustainable Places Conference from 14-16 June 2023. This year, the 11th edition of the Sustainable Places conference took place in Madrid, Spain, and online.
Sustainable Places is a large platform bringing together actors from research and innovation projects contribution towards building sustainably: from energy communities, smart cities, renewable energy technologies, facilitating the energy transition, resilience and energy security, and many more topics.
SophiA was part of the workshop “EU-Africa Green Deal Projects: 18 months towards accelerating the green transition”, together with three sister projects: REFFECT Africa, SteamBio Africa and ENERGICA. All four projects delivered a presentation highlighting their objectives, scope, partners, and outlook. After this, active and interesting discussions were centred on common topics for all projects: how to ensure sustainability of the solutions post-project, challenges faced in the day-to-day implementation and demonstration of the technologies, maintenance of the systems post-project, how to ensure capacity building and knowledge transfer in a sustainable and impactful way.
The SophiA project looks forward to continuing these interesting discussions with stakeholders across the globe, and to foster the collaboration with the sister projects and other common initiatives towards improving clean energy solutions and accelerating the green transition.